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for English speakers

Sound basic training in alpine sports for guiding groups

Übungsleiter courses of the Austrian Alpenverein are the first level of the modular sports training system in Austria and at that a solid foundation for all further trainings (e.g. Instruktor). The medium-term goal of the Alpenvereins's Übungsleiter training programme is to ensure that alpine events in the AV sections are led exclusively by trained and certified guides (Tourenführer*innen).

Participant evaluation takes place continuously throughout the entire course. A transparent catalogue of 5 key qualifications ensures an objective and clear assessment of the participants.

The training focusses primarily on the topic of leadership, not teaching skills. Übungsleiter are qualified according to uniform guidelines and certified to guide and train Alpenverein members and Alpenverein groups in their respective field of expertise.

General criteria for the participation in Übungsleiter trainings

  • Minimum age of 16 years
  • Physical and mental fitness
  • Profound skills and experience in the respective sport
  • Basic theoretical knowledge
  • Excellent performance and motivation
  • Pedagogical and social skills
    Most Übungsleiter trainings (see course descriptions) require a documentation of alpine experience in the form of a Tourenbuch (list of tours). Prerequisite for enrolling in the ÜL Skihochtour training is having passed the ÜL Skitour training.

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